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WE'LL MAKE SURE Development

Content development is where it all starts for any project.  Developing the right story for a film or a series, using the right words for a commercial or the right formula for a talk show or a music video is the process of creating and planning your concept from the initial idea to the final treatment or screenplay that will appeal to an audience.  Content Development is the start to your key ingredient for a successful production.  

The Idea:  Every project starts with a story you've ever seen.  It starts from your brain from a dream or an encounter.

step 1:


Story:  Let's develop your story idea.  Start with ideation and brainstorming sessions.  Work towards developing a compelling story concept in two sentences or less.

step 2:


Let's create an outline:  Before you actually sit down to write, make sure you create a detailed outline of your story (beginning, middle and end.  

step 3:


Treatment:  Get feedback on plot, characters, outline settings, pacing, sensory detail, readability and scene descriptions. Once we've finished our outline/treatment, let's begin writing. 

step 4:


Script:  Let's write scene by scene.  First draft, let's consult with our Senior Producer to ensure the dialogue, pacing and overall story are engaging and well crafted.

step 5:


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